Sunday, December 2, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
I was supposed to get up in the AM and run with Jen. I did get up, but it was pouring so we called it off. I went out after work and wound up at the fire house post run learning how to use a mask/air tank. And then I went on my first call in fire fighter gear. The run actually felt really good. I could have and maybe should have kept going for another few miles, but my body has felt pretty sore/achy since the Christmas tree unloading sunday so I figured better to err on the safe side.
11/22/07 - Turkey Day
So this run started off with Katty on thanksgiving. I was feeling really really good after six miles or so. I dropped Katty off near home and just kept running. I discovered a new route that goes up by high ridge and involves a lot of hills which should be good for me. It's fun and new and I'm really proud of my 12 miles!
No iPod but I did about three miles in the rain in the morning. I was going to get up to run with Jen, but didn't look out in the window. Sure enough it was pouring and she's trying to avoid getting sick so I went out locally solo. It wound up being a pretty decent run. Between four and five miles.
This was one of my runs with Jen. I had a run where my new running sneakers ate up my feet and I feel like it made me stop for a while. Jen managed to suck me back in, thankfully :-)
This is my first run discovering the new route down by the road you take to get on the merritt. It's a nice run, but in the dark it's not really ideal. Besides the fear of getting run over you also run by springdale cemetary which is damn creepy in the dark.
This is the run where I got distracted by the firehouse (a sign of things to come) and wound up helping a lady with a lost dog. By the time I helped with the lost dog I just gave up and turned it around and went home. Better than nothing I suppose.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
10/21/07 - Running as a hangover cure
So I went out for my birthday and got completely trashed. I decided to try to run off the hangover this morning. It kind of worked, but I wound up running a different way than I usually do and came into come pretty long steep hills. I'm surprised I pulled such a decent time considering I wanted to keel over and die for most of the run.
On the bright side for my birthday I got a ton of new running clothes. Which I am really excited to break in, but I think I need a day off of running. I'll get back on it Tuesday.
10/20/07 - Birthday Run!
This five miler felt harder than it should have. At the end of the run I realized why. I was running a good 20 seconds below my usual mile pace. Having run this probably made me feel even better than I did pulling a pr on my 5k yesterday.
Either way this started out as what was meant to be a short easy run and it wound up being a hard long-ish run. Which is okay with me.
10/19/07 - 5k PR
This is the fastest 5k I think I've done so far. Personal record. It felt a lot harder than it should have, but it's made me realize I'm not so good at speed. I want to work on being faster, but I suppose that comes with time.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
10/17/07 - goodness
Weather: chilly, but not too bad
This run, like monday's run, kicked ass. Running just felt so good, so natural, so easy. I love when running feels like that. Of course, that being said, I'm starting to feel a bit sore so we'll see how I feel tomorrow. Interestingly enough, I feel like I run better when there's something on my mind.
On a side note, I've started a nike+ challenge with Kat over who can run the most miles in the next 30 days. We just started today so I'll update in a few days with the results.
Monday, October 15, 2007
10/15/07 excellent
This run just felt amazing. It was one of those moments where you just feel like you can run forever. I thought I'd go out for three miles or so, felt good I figured five, but I didn't imagine I'd do almost seven.
I seem to run really well when I've got a lot of things I am thinking about. So many boys, so little time :-P
So I finally got back into running. After pulling my quad I took a week off... then spent a week being lazy. But I'm back into running and feeling good.
9/30/07 Tunnel to Towers Run with Meredith
I must say, she said she never runs but she kicked a lot of ass. :-D
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Weather: Cold, until we started sprinting.
Finally, Jen and I meet again. First run with her in a while after quite a few.. "uhh I'm going back to sleep mornings" We're going to try to do speedwork in the mornings, which I really need. Jen keeps saying she's out of shape but when it comes to running fast she kicks my butt every time.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11/07 - Teams other than the pats cheat too!
Weather: It felt REALLY hot and humid for 6am, it started pouring in the second half which helped me cool down a bunch.
I was going to run with Jen, but she was feeling ill so we were going to call it. But it was 6:15 and I was awake so why the hell not. I went out solo, as the sun was coming up. It was a tough run where I felt like I was forcing every step. I kept thinking Boston, Boston, Boston. I want to run NYC in a time to qualify for Boston.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
9/9/07 - I love Randy Moss
Weather: Started out it was a bit warm and humid... probably mid to high 70s. Cooled off down to the low 70s and the humidity wasn't so bad.
My first 10 miler! Holy crap. That's a lot of running. This is in honor of Randy Moss kicking massive amounts of ass today. Not to mention Ellis Hobbs and his excellent run back. Or Tom Brady's accurate passing. Or Thomas for breaking up passes (even if he couldn't catch them).
9/8/07 - You're killing me jones
Weather: They said it was hot but I didn't feel it. Early enough that there was a nice breeze.
This is my 4 mile race in Central Park. I kept pace with/for my sister this run. Which is pace for me to tell all my crazy stories. She says I've gotten more interesting since I've gotten single. I can't say I disagree, but I think I talk more now that I'm not constantly gasping for air.
9/7/07 - Hot and Humid
Weather: Hotter than I thought it'd be and damn humid as well.
I ran earlier than I usually do because this was pre dinner/drinks with Christine and Meghan. It was hot and muggy out, so I was even more sweaty than usual. The small dip in there is me seeing Courtney outside when I run by her house and saying hello. It may have saved me as the rest of my miles look decent.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
9/5/07 - Federer is damn sexy
Weather: Bordering on chilly, but not too bad. Mid 60's, low humidity and a slight chance of cute guy walking dog.
Good solid run. The first part of this run was a bit tough, but I think my pace was a bit high for my distance. I should be running in the reverse, slower start faster finish, but oh well. My pace was pretty good and I'm really happy to see it is working it's way up naturally.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
9/4/07 - Feeling Kenyan
Weather: cool, low 70's maybe mid 60's, virtually no noticeable humidity
I don't know who's legs I was running with, but they were possessed. This run was after walking around cove with courtney. Maybe that was a great warm up, but my legs just took off. It was all I could do to keep up. I'm also pretty certain that the iPod was off as far as distance goes. It will need a recalibration. Either way I was damn proud of my time and felt great.
9/3/07 - pushing it out
Weather: Nighttime, so relatively chilly, but after a few miles it was noticeably warm.
Mile one sucked. I almost stopped after a mile. But I pushed through to two-ish miles and felt a lot better. Managed to bust out five miles, but the whole run just felt like I was dragging a weight behind me or something.
9/1/07 - Running Skirt!
Weather: Warmer than I thought it'd be, pretty hot in the sun but okay in the shade. Mild humidity.
I bought a running skirt from target. It's kind of like a tennis skirt. It's a skirt with compression shorts underneath. If you wear normal shorts they ride up in the middle which gets annoying and makes you have to step funny or yank them down. I'm a bit to self-conscious to wear tiny little shorts out, but they are far better for running. This is the best of both worlds. I'm happy about it.
As far as the actual run goes, it was a bit of a struggle. After mile one I thought I was going to die, but sure enough I was alive and pushed through three more miles.
Friday, August 31, 2007
I got this awful cold and decided to halt my running. I remember running with a cold once in high school. After my run I wound up coughing non-stop for nearly an hour. Not fun that's for damn sure. This is my first run back. As soon as I start running after a long time (10 days is a long time) off, it's amazing how good it feels. The movement of running just feels so natural and happy to me. Running made me realize just how much I've missed doing it. I plan on running the usual five miles tomorrow morning before I leave for Jersey.
8/21/07 - Heaven
This was the run after I got home from my date. I decided to just throw my running clothes on and do a quick three miles. It felt so good running I did five. I love those days/nights where you feel like you can run forever. I stopped at five miles to favor my knee a bit as it's been better but still whiny lately.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
8/11/07 - Run to Shea
Mets run to Shea (5k or 3.2m)
Race time: 35:10 min
Pace: 11:20/mile
To be fair I kept pace with Katty and Christine. Christine has never run more than a mile or two before so I was DAMN proud of her for keeping up. As far as I go, I went to bed around 3am the night before (I had to wake up at 6am to get there), was drunk as hell when I did go to bed and woke up due to a phone call from my sister around 6:15 going.. OH FUCK I'm late.
All in all the fact that I was awake/sober enough to run this race is a small miracle!
Race time: 35:10 min
Pace: 11:20/mile
To be fair I kept pace with Katty and Christine. Christine has never run more than a mile or two before so I was DAMN proud of her for keeping up. As far as I go, I went to bed around 3am the night before (I had to wake up at 6am to get there), was drunk as hell when I did go to bed and woke up due to a phone call from my sister around 6:15 going.. OH FUCK I'm late.
All in all the fact that I was awake/sober enough to run this race is a small miracle!
Weather: Wet, not quite raining but misting and downright cold (for the summer anyway)
This run was good I was trying to up my pace a lot and I'm happy I succeeded. 30 seconds below my normal pace isn't bad for a tempo run. Or maybe I'm still confused as to what a tempo run is, but I didn't have much time to run so I had to make it fast and short.
8/9/07 - Morning run with Jen
Weather: Cool with a nice breeze by the water, great morning to run
Actually this was a pretty good run. I was kind of worrying about getting to work on time after it (I had to be in early), but we kept a pretty good pace and got it done. Seeing this makes me realize it wasn't all in my head, Jen does slowly creep her pace up throughout a run.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
8/7/07 - Back on the horse
Weather: low 80s, humid and sticky
The entire run I was thinking: "I don't want to be running" "this sucks" "I wish the run was over". Generally that's a pretty bad run for me; I usually enjoy them. Then I finished and I was thinking, well if a bad run for me is 3.8 miles I'm really not doing so bad. There were days as little as a few weeks ago when I'd aspire to hit 3 or 4 miles. All in all I'm happy with where my training is. Oh and as you can see I'm adding a weather component (when I remember).
Monday, August 6, 2007
Again a bit of time off (for drinking at brickhouse on thursday) and Saturday I crossed trained at the gym. Longest run so far. Felt really good for the most part, except for a really bad cramp around 7.75miles.
After the two consecutive five milers I took a day off and also got some cross training in as well at the gym. This is my next run. An early morning run with Jenn.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
7/29/07 - 5 miler
This is the first time I've used anything other than "basic" on the nike plus software. I programmed it to record five miles. I actually found it really enjoyable and motivating. Plus I had the added responsibility that this little electronic gizmo knew I wanted to run 5 miles and if I called it quits earlier than that it'd be angry with me. Also the run was later in the evening when it had cooled off quite a bit (it rained earlier) so the chill helped keep me cool and going strong.
7/28/07 - Cross Training
Since this is all being recorded, I thought I'd credit myself with having taken a day to cross train. And of course, specifics are here.
Elliptical: 45 min at 150 or so heart rate, thank god gyms are air conditioned
Bike: No idea about distance, did a few laps of the trails at Mianus with Dad. Only the last bit was rough.
Elliptical: 45 min at 150 or so heart rate, thank god gyms are air conditioned
Bike: No idea about distance, did a few laps of the trails at Mianus with Dad. Only the last bit was rough.
7/27/07 - cookies?
After a random day off. I'm sure even awesome runners get lazy sometimes. Not bad, but not great. I was pushing for more, but the humidity and heat were overwhelming. Almost lost my cookies when I decided to call it quits.
Meant to make this a quick two mile run and I wound up cutting it to one. Not as fast as I would have hoped, but my best since I've been running with the nano.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
7/24/07 - Back in the humidity
It felt like a pretty good run, it sucks that my pace was all over the place. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. It was surprisingly pleasant temp/humidity wise for noon. It doesn't much compare to California, but better than usual.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
7/18/07 - Rainy Day
Due to the inclement weather, I opted to run without the iPod.
Hazy Details are:
Time: 11:30am
Distance: Approx. 3.5 miles
Time: 35-45 min.
Today's run felt really good. It was strange to run without music, but also rather peaceful. I wish I had run farther, but wound up very thirsty when running by home and decided to call it a day.
Hazy Details are:
Time: 11:30am
Distance: Approx. 3.5 miles
Time: 35-45 min.
Today's run felt really good. It was strange to run without music, but also rather peaceful. I wish I had run farther, but wound up very thirsty when running by home and decided to call it a day.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Farther, but I get why I was so winded so early. I need to keep a more consistent pace and stop running in midday heat.
Monday, July 16, 2007
I don't know what it is but my running has been pretty shitty lately. I figure at least every time I go out i get to two miles, but it's just such a struggle to get that far. I'm going to try running in the evenings a bit more, I seem to do better then.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
7/14/07 - getting back into it
I resolve to drink less and run more. That run shouldn't have kicked my ass, but it shouldn't have.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
7/8/07 - Two Today
This was my morning run. It sucked. It was way too hot, I was dehydrated and under nourished.
This was my evening run. Post dinner, post a bunch of cherries and most importantly lots of water. Still hot as hell but far more manageable.
Friday, July 6, 2007
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