Thursday, September 4, 2008

9/2/08 - 45 Minute AM Run

So I kinda fell out of doing this for a while. I was busy, moved, lost track of my nano thingie and then just said hell with it and ran without the tracking. Well, the marathon is coming up in like two months and I'd prefer to run it without dying, so I'm getting more comitted to training. And, I'd like to feel accountable to someone something somewhere to force me to do it so I'm back to blogging about it.

In addition to the marathon, I'm training for my CPAT (firefighter test). Which requires about average strength and conditioning for a guy. Guys tend to be faster and stronger (on average) than women are, so it's a bit of a task for me.

Anyway, title/subject says it all. Got up around 6:15-6:30 and made it out for a run. Went up the hill, down by the firehouse, up around near rip and then back home. Decent time, but have no idea the mileage.

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